Patient Participation Group

Your surgery needs you

Join our Patient Participation Group (PPG) and have your say on the future of our service

We are looking for patients of all ages to join our new group on a voluntary basis, working with members of the practice team to improve patient experience.

Everyone is welcome!

We plan to begin in spring 2024

If you would like to find out more or want to get involved, please let a member of the practice team know.

This is your chance to help shape our future

Non-urgent advice: Date of next Patient Participation Group meeting

To begin in Spring 2024.

The information you supply us will be used lawfully, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. The Data Protection Act 2018 gives you the right to know what information is held about you and sets out rules to make sure that this information is handled properly.

Please note that the PPG cannot become involved in matters of a specifically medical or clinical nature.